Sunday, November 9, 2008

3rd Official Weigh-In

So I havent made it to Curves all month. Too many trips back and forth to Virginia, I guess and now my motivation is lacking. Even still, I made it to my 3rd weigh-in at Curves. I lost 11 pounds. I couldnt help but to be a little disappointed but thats what I get for slacking. The days seem shorter with not much time to work out or write. Excuses, excuses. I know. I have a feeling both will have to be put on hold for a short time while I get through the holidays. Hopefully a box full of FAT ASS will not be on the gift list from Santa this year!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Second Official Weigh-In

I stepped on the scale last week and HOLY COW! I lost 21 lbs this month! I was the biggest loser this month out of everyone in the center. So you know what that means! I get the grand prize--a Curves t-shirt! WOOHOO! hahaha But hey, Ill take it!

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Official Weigh-In

So I have lost a total of 8.5 pounds and 6.5 inches this month. Not sure where that extra 5 pounds came from since my "unofficial" weigh-in 2 weeks ago. Maybe Im retaining water or maybe I ate too many pancakes over the weekend! Either way, 8.5 pounds is great and Im happy with the loss.

The Curves center I go to just started a new program that is tuned in to each user's specific needs. I was trained on the program yesterday and wow. I think Im going to see some great results with it! I worked out harder yesterday than I have in months! Im definitely looking forward to my next weigh-in!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rebuilding My Temple

Im losing weight, gaining muscle. Im truly happy about this. But for the first time in a while, Im not FOCUSING on the weight loss. Im focusing on the entire transformation as a whole--mind and body. I think this is really helping.

I weighed myself today and the Curves worker couldnt believe how much Id lost--13.5 pounds in 2 weeks. My body fat also dropped 1.5 percent. I was glad to see the drop but in a sense, it really didnt matter.

Its as if losing the weight is just a bonus to an overall feeling of well-being.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Run, Lisa! Run!

I went running today! Well, not like the running I used to do but I ran well for not jogging in years!

I started with a walk around the track and picked up the pace to a jog. I didnt last too terribly long but altogether I probably ran a half mile and walked the other half.

Not too shabby for just getting started and being totally out of shape!

Tomorrow I will be meeting up with the grandmas. They keep me laughing. Following that escapade, I will be going for a hike. I bought a new pair of crosstrainers today from REI and Im wanting to break them in.

Having to start my boot/shoe collection all over again is going to be expensive for sure. When I was pregnant with Mason, my foot grew an entire size! I feel like such an amazon woman asking for a size 9 at the store. Oh well, it could be worse. At least I dont have to shop in the mens section!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Today I was out running errands around town. I walked down the sidewalk of a local strip mall and was reminded why my husband lovingly gave me my second middle name--Grace.

The tip of my flip flop caught the crack in the sidewalk. No seriously--A CRACK! It got caught on a crack and I flew forward. I caught myself and tried to look as graceful as I could but I mean, I HAVE TO live up to my name, you know! My landing probably didnt look so great but I was on 2 feet none-the-less.

As I gathered my composure and continued walking, I glanced to my left and caught my
reflection in a store window. WHOA! I must be looking into one of those distorted fun house mirrors. Who is that big girl? I had to remind myself, "Duh, its YOU! How many times are you going to ask the same question before you do something about it?"

Well, I am doing something about it but gosh, its going soooooooo slow. I hate that. I want results fast and now! Thats the reason Ive continuously failed at this over the last 3 years.

I've been going to Curves at least 4 times a week but the eating plan isnt exactly working. Probably because Im not doing it. I started it and ate 2 of the six daily meals. Just what I thought would happened, happened.

I couldnt do it. Eating 6 times a day is ridiculous! I have a hard time eating all day long. Now sit me down in front of a buffet and I have no problem getting my one big meal in! But constantly eating, thats a different story.

I understand how the idea works and I KNOW it works. I just have pull up my bootstraps and do it!

But remembering how fast the weight came off years ago when I STOPPED eating is making this psychologically difficult for me. I want to do what I did before but that is impossible. I have too many responsibilites and having energy is a requirement. Lashing out (because of the irritability starvation causes) would be unacceptable to me.

And who knows. If I did it again, it might kill me this time.

Reflecting back at the struggle it was makes me want to do it the healthy way this time. EAT RIGHT=HAVE ENERGY, HAVE ENERGY=WORKOUT.

I can do this. In fact, let me go crack open a can of tuna right now! Nothing says "Yummmmmmmmm" like fish and lettuce for breakfast!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

T.M.I., T.M.I.!!!

I love the grandmas at Curves, they are great! But I felt a little uncomfortable today while two ladies there (the ONLY two besides me) were talking about their sex lives! And they were trying to include me which made it even more uncomfortable and embarrassing! Maybe when you reach 30, it isnt supposed to matter anymore. I guess Im just one of the "women" there even though I still feel like a young girl most of the time! I felt like I should've been covering my ears or gagging while they talked and giggled about their goings-on. But bless them for trying to include me, how considerate of them LOL. I decided to smile politely but keep my mouth shut (except those times that my jaw hit the floor)!